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Doug Whittington

Partner with The Ruby Group, Ohio

As someone who has walked the talk, he brings enthusiasm and authenticity to the training and development program which is clearly demonstrated by his experience.

Doug Whittington large

Doug joined the Ruby Group after a successful sales leadership career in the transportation industry. As a former Sandler Client, he witnessed firsthand the power of the selling system, including the accountability tools and processes for managers. As someone who has walked the talk, he brings enthusiasm and authenticity to the training and development program which is clearly demonstrated by his experience.

Doug graduated from East Carolina University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Political Science. He has attended a wide range of continuing education programs from the Center of Creative Leadership, Mahler Leadership Company, and Harvard Corporate Leadership Training. His experience with the Sandler Sales Training process included leading a national sales team through the program and seeing it adopted as an international developmental solution for his former Fortune 500 company.

Doug brings the same enthusiasm to his personal life. He is a key supporter of the Akron Canton Regional Foodbank as the co-chair of their important Taste of the Pro Football Hall of Fame event, a Board member and Trustee Chair for the First Christian Church of Medina, and a Leadership supporter of the United Way of Summit & Medina Counties.

He and his wife, Barrie, will celebrate their 35th wedding anniversary this year. They have two children, Mallie and David, who are finishing their college educations and starting their professional careers. They live in Medina, Ohio, and enjoy traveling, golf, outdoor activities, and spending time with family and friends.

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