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If you could boil down sales success to just one thing, what would it be?

- Passion?
- Enthusiasm?
- Product knowledge?
- Connections?
- Sales techniques?

Each of these certainly will make a difference. But, at the core, a successful salesperson excels most in this one area:


Passion can get you excited. Enthusiasm might push you through the slow days. Product knowledge definitely helps. Who you know could get you in the door. Smart sales techniques will likely increase effectiveness.

But, without ACTION, none of that will make a difference.

Behavior drives your attitude.

When your alarm goes off at 5:00 am on the first day of a new workout routine, all the passion and enthusiasm in the world won’t get you out of bed. You have to do the behavior of moving from the bed to the closet to the car to the gym.

Knowing everything about your product won’t help if you don’t make the call, send the email or set the appointment.

Having a great 30-second commercial does nothing if you don’t do the behavior to get in front of suspects and prospects.

It all comes down to behavior.

Having trouble applying this concept? Start with one thing. Choose a single “lagging indicator” (a result of your behaviors) to measure, such as number of meetings set in a month, then follow these steps:

1. Set a goal – specific number of meetings per month
2. Track it – write it down
3. Be accountable – share your goal with someone
4. Improve as necessary – adjust your activities if you fall short
5. Reward yourself – when you reach your goal, celebrate the win

The simple act of writing it down and being accountable will force you to do the behaviors. If your goal is 12 meetings in a month, you’ll need to define what it takes to get those 12 meetings – how many calls to make, networking events to attend, workshops to host, LinkedIn connections to initiate, etc. These are the behaviors.

The most successful salespeople and business owners are the ones committed to doing the behaviors. A great attitude and knowledge of the best techniques out there won’t help without action.

What behaviors are you avoiding today?

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